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Yoga Pose Inversion Videos

Youtube videos on shoulder-stand, plow pose, dolphin pose, headstand and handstand
Yoga pose inversion videos. Neil Keleher. Sensational Yoga Poses.

This collection of inversion videos includes videos on shoulderstand and plow pose, dolphin pose, headstand (including tripod headstand as well as the more usual bound headstand) and handstand.

Shoulderstand, Plow and Dolphin Pose Videos

Shoulder Stand and Plow Pose

In both shoulderstand and plow pose you have the option of retracting your shoulder blades so that can press your shoulders into the floor.

Rather than clasping your hands in plough pose to do this, try using your rhomboids!

So that you can feel when you are balanced on your shoulders you can practice some simple rolling exercises.

So that your neck is under less stress in shoulder stand and plow pose you can do these poses with your torso lifted relative to your head.

Practice some sort of active back bend for the neck either before or after these two poses, using the back bend as a counter pose for the forward bend.

Dolphin Yoga Pose for Beginners

First a look at some basic shoulder actions to prepare for dolphin yoga pose, including arm rotations.

The sequence of preparation exercises leading up to dolphin pose ideally makes it easier to learn and also, hopefully, gives you a better feel for your body.

I've included instruction for both the "forearms parallel" version as well as a "hands clasped" version of dolphin pose.

Headstand Videos

Tripod Headstand for Beginners, Creating Stability while Inverted

This is the first in my headstand series of videos.

Although a little bit harder on the neck, since the neck has to potentially bear more weight, tripod headstand can be a little bit easier to learn since flexibility isn't such a limiting factor.

In this video I go over neck and shoulder preparation exercises and then actually inverting into tripod headstand with some exercises that you can practice to help you gain control of your body while upside down.

Not recommended for people with neck problems or blood pressure problems.

Headstand Preparation Exercises for Neck Strength and Neck Awareness

One problem I often see with people learning headstand is a tendency for the chest to collapse, particularly when doing headstand with the back against a wall.

Here's a couple of suggested fixes, one to get around tight hamstrings, and another to build awareness of the ribcage and thoracic spine so that the student can recognize when their thoracic spine is straight and when it isn't. Plus an exercise that introduces you to pressing your head.

Headstand Stability Basics

How do you stay stable when lifting your legs in headstand?

Some simple tips for creating a stable foundation when doing a few different types of headstand.

Headstand: Balancing with Legs Horizontal (knees straight or bent)

Exercises for headstand, including counter poses for decompressing the neck.

Exercises including rolling out so that you can fail safely, back against the wall headstand, L-shaped headstand with feet on the wall. Plus some counterposes for decompressing the neck.

Bound Headstand, Learning to Lift with Legs Straight

Trying to do Bound headstand or tripod headstand, here's a quick tip on how you can use a chair to help make learning to lift your feet with legs straight easier.

Step-by-Step Guide to Freestanding Headstand

This is a step by step guide to headstand beginning with exercises to prepare neck and shoulders.

Learn shoulder actions, hand actions and hand positioning for headstand prior to going upside down. Learn to feel and control these actions without weight on your head.

My suggestion is to watch a portion of the video and then practice the exercise just watched, to the point you can do it without thinking about how to do it.

Then repeat for the next section.

Handstand Videos

Handstand Introduction Part 1: L-Shaped Handstand Using a Wall

Preparatory exercises for handstand focusing on shoulders, and using the wall to get comfortable while upside down. Some cautions and some cool downs.

Weight Shifting In Handstand for Better Balance (Handstands Part 2)

Continuing with the L-shaped handstand against the wall, some exercises for pressure sensitivity which can help with staying balanced.

Handstand Intro Part 3, Expanding Your Ribcage

Expanding the ribcage to give your shoulder muscles a stable foundation.

Expanding the ribcage to give your shoulder muscles a stable foundation.

Back Against the Wall Handstands (Handstands Part 4)

Exercises for learning how to transition smoothly, and easily, to back against the wall handstands.

Kicking Up into Handstand Against a Wall (Handstands Part 5)

In the previous beginner handstand videos (this is number 5) the focus was on L Shaped handstand with the chest facing towards the wall.

Here we look at jumping into handstand so that you end up with your back facing the wall. We also look at getting around some common problems when kicking into handstand.

Wall Handstands and Getting Your Feet off the Wall (Handstands part 6)

A look at how to balance and then get your feet off of the wall while staying balanced in handstand.

Published: 2018 09 28
Clearly defined poses, exercises and stretches for improving stability, body awareness and flexibility.
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