Yoga Poses
Categorized articles on better feeling your body while doing yoga poses

This page includes links to most if not all yoga pose related pages on this site. For each category, pages that focus on individual poses are listed first. Following that are individual pose sections within more general pages. For example, in the section on binding poses, you can find individual articles on marichyasana A, marichyasana B etc. You can also see sections about these poses in the article marichyasana poses.
You can find the old yoga poses index here: yoga poses
Where possible, poses, whether to individual pages or whether as part of general pages, are listed in an order that has some sort of logic. For example, in the spinal back bending section, table top is followed by bridge, since these are both "belly up" poses. After that is locust, cobra and upward dog, since these are all "belly down" poses.
Use the hyperlinked headings to go to the table of contents.
Standing Side Bend
Side bending the spine
Side Bending the Spine
Standing side bend
Triangle pose side bend
Side angle pose side bend
Lateral knee balance
Lateral knee balance side bend
Side balance
Half moon
Serratus posterior inferior
Standing spinal twist, active hips
Revolved Triangle Yoga Pose
Seated Twist
Ardha Matsyendrasana
Twisting Poses
Twisting Poses
Active seated twist
Active standing twist
Active Twisting triangle
Prone passive twist
Prone shoulder stretch passive twist
Arm assisted seated twist
Revolving side angle prayer twist
Intense pigeon prayer twist
Ardha matsyendrasana
Marichyasana B (variation)
Marichyasana A (open twist)
Marichyasana C
Marichyasana E
Bharad vajasana
Standing Forward Bend
Standing Front Bend Using Arms
Reverse Prayer Asymmetric Standing Forward Bend
Seated Forward Bend
Upavistha Konasana
Seated Wide Leg Forward Bend
Knee Safety in Hurdler's Stretch
Using Arms to Stretch Hamstrings
Janusirsasana A
Janu Sirsasana B
Getting Ready for Janu Sirsasana C
Working Towards Half Bound Lotus
Front-to-Back Splits
Yoga Anatomy Glutes, Hamstrings
Hamstring Strengthening Exercises
Padangusthasana, Padahastasana and other Standing forward bends
Hamstring stretches
Hamstring stretching yoga poses
Hamstring Stretching Yoga Poses
Using a belt
Half moon
Triangle pose
Pyramid pose
Wide leg forward bend
Prassaritta padotanasana B
Prassaritta padotanasana C
Prassaritta padotanasana D
Prassaritta padotanasana A
Standing forward bend
Raised leg standing forward bend
Wide leg seated forward bend
Janusirsana A
Janusirsana B
Janusirsana C
Hurdlers' stretch
Seated forward bend
Leg lifted standing hamstring stretch
Hamstring Stretches
Standing forward bend
Standing f-bend using arms
Standing f-bend on one leg
Pyramid pose hamstring stretch
Leg supported
Spine long TA engaged
Pulling lifted leg fwd
Bending down to standing leg
Semi-kneeling w/ hips lifted
hamstring and hip flexor splits
Locust Pose
Locust pose for Tech Neck
Yoga Cobra Yoga Pose
Upward Facing Dog
Detailed Guide to Bridge Pose
Back Bending Spine or Hips?
Table top, retraction and extension
Camel Yoga Pose (Ustrasana)
Spinal Back Bending Exercises
Back Bending Yoga Poses
Spinal Back Bending Exercises
Locust pose
Kneeling spinal back bend
Seated spinal back bend
Standing spinal back bend
Spinal erectors
Back bending at the sacrum
Glutes and hamstrings
Locust pose leg lift
Locust pose dual leg lift/hip extension
Cat pose leg lift/hip extension
Standing hip thrust/hip extension
Spinal Back Bending Poses
Standing back bend
Upright lunging back bend
Straight leg lunge
Semi-kneeling lunge
Deep lunge with back bend
Camel pose variation
Camel pose w/ hands on heels
Cobra pose back bend
Up dog back bending pose
Upright pigeon back bend
Upright pigeon variation
Puppy dog chest stretch
Bridge pose
Wheel pose
Reverse plank yoga pose
Table top yoga pose
Deep Squats
Hip Flexor Strength Exercises
Hip Extensor Stretching Variations
Bound Angle Pose
Salamba Sarvangasana,
Plough Pose
Yoga Forward Bends
Yoga Forward Bends
Standing spinal front bend
Forward bend for the neck
Shoulder stand
Pyramid pose
Forward bend with one leg lifted
Standing knee lift
Standing knee hug
Standing wide leg forward bend
Warrior 3
Dog pose knee lift
Plank pose with spinal forward bend
Wide bound angle pose
Bound angle pose
Plough pose forward bend for neck, hips
Seated spinal forward bend
Dead dog spinal forward bend
Seated forward bend
Seated wide leg forward bend
Hurdlers stretch
Half hero forward bend
Janu sirsasana forward bends
Marichyasana forward bends
Wide leg forward bend to one leg
Seated half bound lotus
Seated lotus with knees to chest
Pigeon pose forward bend
Downward Facing Dog
Upward Facing Dog
Yoga Push Ups
Chaturanga Dandasana
Learn Chaturanga Dandasana
Table top, retraction and extension
Reverse Plank Yoga Pose
Reverse Plank or Purvottanasana
10 Ways to Do Bird Dog Yoga Pose
Balancing Cat Pose
Scapular Awareness Exercises
Shoulder Actions for Side Plank
Side Plank
Balancing In Side Plank
Making Wheel Pose Easier
Dealing with wrist pain
Arm Supported Yoga Poses
Arm Supported Yoga Poses
Lifting up/dangle pose
Table top pose
Reverse plank
Cat pose
Dog pose knee lift
Upward facing dog and Cobra pose
Downward dog
Dolphin pose
Crow pose
Balancing cat/bow pose
Side plank
Reverse push up
Wheel pose
Arm supported front splits
Crow pose (bakasana)
Flying Pigeon (galavasana)
eka pada bakasana
Astavakrasana Yoga Arm Balance
Arm Balances
Arm Balances
Crow pose
Tittibasana/ firefly
Eka pada koundinyasana
Eka pada koundinyasana
Eka pada bakasana 1
Eka pada bakasana 2
Eagle Yoga Pose
Eagle pose arm binding
Using Arms to Stretch Hamstrings
Compass Yoga Pose
Padangusthasana, Padahastasana and other Standing forward bends
Bound Side Angle Pose
Bound Twisting Side Angle Pose
Working Towards Half Bound Lotus
Binding in Seated Half Bound Lotus
ardha baddha padmottanasana
Ardha Matsyendrasana
Binding in Marichyasana A
Modified Marichyasana B
Marichyasana B
Binding in Marichyasana C
Working Toward Mari D
Armpit Pose
Marichyasana Yoga Poses
Binding Yoga Poses
Binding Yoga Poses
Modified marichyasana B
Bound side angle pose
Marichyasana A pose
Marichyasana B pose
Seated bound half lotus
Standing bound half lotus
Bharadvajasana binding pose
Armpit pose
Variation: Ardha matsyendrasana
Bound twisting side angle
Marichyasana C yoga pose
Marichyasana D attempt
Compass yoga pose prep
Compass yoga pose
Toe and Ankle Stretches
Virasana (Hero Pose)
Reclining Half Hero
Sensational quad stretches
Bent knee hip flexor stretches
Kneeling Yoga Poses
Kneeling Yoga Poses
Kneeling w/ toes tucked
Hero pose
Bent back hero pose
Reclining hero pose
Mod. bharad-vajasana
Half hero forward bend
Reclining half hero
Half hero side bend
Marichyasana E
Camel pose
Dog pose (lifted knee cat pose)
Child's pose
Child's pose variant
Shin balance
Knee balance
Adductor Stretches
A Sequence of Arm Stretches
Low Pigeon Pose
Supporting the Front Hip In Yoga Pigeon
Locust Pose
Yoga Cobra Yoga Pose
Upward Facing Dog
Downward Facing Dog
Prone Yoga Poses
Prone Yoga Poses
Locust pose
Extended cat pose
Dog pose knee lift
Plank pose
Downward dog
Upright pigeon
Cobra pose
Upward dog
Chaturanga dandasana
Bow pose
Puppy dog pose
Child's pose
Bent back hero pose
Frog pose
Pigeon pose
Prone big toe pose
Half side split
Prone twist
Lapasana shoulder stretch
Half dragonfly arm stretch
Prone resting poses
Half Happy Baby Hip Stretch
Foot Behind the Head
Salamba Sarvangasana,
Plough Pose
Back Bending Spine or Hips?
Detailed Guide to Bridge Pose
Making Wheel Pose Easier
Supine Yoga Poses Poses
Supine Yoga Poses
Feet on wall bound angle
Supine lumbar extension
Supine hip flexion 1
Supine lumbar extension 2
Supine hip flexion 2
Supine lumbar extension 3
Reverse push up
Dead dog reach
Crown reverse push up
Wheel pose
Supine side splits
Supine bound angle foot grab
Happy baby pose
Foot behind the head pose
Supine hamstring stretch 1
Supine hamstring stretch 2
Rolling into plough pose
Rolling sit up
Standing Side Bend
Balancing in Half Moon Pose
Yoga Triangle Pose
Utthita Trikonasana
Side Angle Pose
Feel Your Back Arm in Warrior 2
Bound Side Angle Pose
Bound Twisting Side Angle Pose
Prasarita Padottanasana C Arm Position
Yoga Mountain Pose
Standing spinal twist, active hips
Pyramid Pose
Reverse Prayer Yoga Pose Arm Position
Parsvottanasana (Pyramid Pose)
Parivrtta Trikonasana
Revolved Triangle Yoga Pose
Standing Forward Bend
Warrior 1 (and Warrior 2)
Virabhadrasana (Warrior 1)
Chair Yoga Pose
Balancing on One Foot in Warrior 3
Balancing in Tree Pose
Finding Balance In Yoga Tree Pose
Eagle Yoga Pose
Eagle pose arm binding
Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana
ardha baddha padmottanasana
Balancing on One Foot
Standing Exercises for Low Back Pain
Padangusthasana, Padahastasana and other Standing forward bends
Low back pain
Standing Hip Exercises
Hip Adjustments for Standing Yoga Poses
8 Reasons to do Standing Yoga Poses
Standing Yoga Poses
Standing Yoga Poses
Standing side bend
Half moon
Triangle Pose
Side angle pose
Warrior 2
Dancing warrior
Tree pose
Mountain pose
Pyramid pose
Revolving triangle pose
Warrior 3
Warrior 1
Chair pose (utkatasana)
Eagle pose
Wide leg standing forward bend
Standing forward bend
Easy Cross Leg Poses
Bound Angle Pose
Seated Side Bend
Ardha Matsyendrasana
Compass Yoga Pose
Maximizing Your Glute Stretching Possibilities in Double Pigeon Glute Stretch
Working Towards Half Bound Lotus
Virasana (Hero Pose)
Lying Quadriceps Stretch
Marichyasana Yoga Poses
Marichyasana B
Working Toward Mari D
Easy Seated Forward Bend
Seated Forward Bend
Using Arms to Stretch Hamstrings
Janusirsasana A
Janu Sirsasana B
Getting Ready for Janu Sirsasana C
Knee Safety in Hurdler's Stretch
Seated Wide Leg Forward Bend
Seated straddles splits
Front-to-Back Splits
Making Yoga Boat Pose Easier
Table top, retraction and extension
Reverse Plank Yoga Pose
Seated Yoga Poses
Seated Yoga Poses
Bound Angle
Wide leg side bend
Wide leg forward bend
Boat pose
Table top
Reverse plank
Janu sirsasana A
Janu sirsasana B
Janu sirsasana C
Janu sirsasana Side bend
Half hero side bend
Half hero forward bend
Half hero backbend
Marichyasana E
Easy Marichyasana B
Marichyasana A
Marichyasana C
Ardha matsyendrasana
Hurdler's stretch
Hurdlers stretch variant (frog pose)
Intense pigeon
Square pigeon
Lunge variant as lotus prep
Half bound lotus
Marichyasana B
Bharad vajasana
Reclining hero
Compass prep/heron variant
Compass pose
Forward bend
10 Ways to Do Bird Dog Yoga Pose
Balancing Cat Pose
Balancing In Side Plank
Side Plank
Balancing in Half Moon Pose
Balancing on One Foot in Warrior 3
Finding Balance In Yoga Tree Pose
Balancing in Tree Pose
Eagle Yoga Pose
Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana
ardha baddha padmottanasana
Crow pose (bakasana)
Flying pigeon (galavasana)
Galavasana (Flying Pigeon) Arm Balance
Plough Pose
Arm Balances
Balancing in Handstand
Learning How to Balance
Balancing on One Foot
Yoga Poses to Improve Balance
Feeling Your Center of Gravity
11 Basic Balance Poses
Balancing On One Foot
Knee lift prep
Knee lift
Forward bend on one foot
Warrior 3
Half moon
Tree pose modification
Practicing Leg stability on two feet
Tree pose
Eagle pose
Utthitta hasta padangusthasana
Half bound lotus, standing
11 Basic Balance Poses
Balance on forefeet
Balance on heels
Front bend on forefeet
Front bend on heels
Balancing on one heel
Balancing on one forefoot
Front bend on one foot
Half moon hand lift
Bow pose on one foot
Eagle pose
Tree pose
Balancing on one knee
Shoulderstand Using a Wall
Salamba Sarvangasana,
Plough Pose
Prepping Your Shoulders for Dolphin Yoga Pose
Pincha Mayurasana
How to Do a Headstand
Headstand Yoga Pose
Yoga Headstand
Downward Facing Dog
L Shaped Handstand Against A Wall
stabilizing wrists, elbows, forearms
Balancing in Handstand
jumping into handstand
Lifting Into Handstand
Inverted Yoga Poses
Ashtanga Yoga Overview
Ashtanga Standing Pose Vinyassas
Ashtanga Yoga Poses,
Ashtanga Yoga Poses
Ashtanga Yoga Poses, Part 2
Ashtanga Yoga Poses, Seated Poses Part 1
Mula Bandha Anatomy
Chaturanga Dandasana
Learn Chaturanga Dandasana
Upward Facing Dog
Downward Facing Dog
Ashtanga Jump Backs
Ashtanga Style Sun Salutations
Ashtanga Yoga Sun Salutation A
Learning Ashtanga Style Sun Salutation B
Learning the Steps of Surya Namaskar A
Standing Front Bend Using Arms
Yoga Triangle Pose
Parsvottanasana (Pyramid Pose)
Revolved Triangle Yoga Pose
Side Angle Pose
Bound Twisting Side Angle Pose
Prasarita Padottanasana C Arm Position
Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana
ardha baddha padmottanasana
Warrior 1 (and Warrior 2)
Getting deeper into Warrior 1 Yoga pose
Feel Your Back Arm in Warrior 2
Reverse Plank or Purvottanasana
Binding in Seated Half Bound Lotus
Working Towards Half Bound Lotus
Janusirsasana A
Janu Sirsasana B
Getting Ready for Janu Sirsasana C
Binding in Marichyasana A
Marichyasana B
Binding in Marichyasana C
Working Toward Mari D
Making Yoga Boat Pose Easier
Bound Angle Pose
Seated Wide Leg Forward Bend
Back Bending Spine or Hips?
Making Wheel Pose Easier
Plough Pose
Shoulderstand Using a Wall
Salamba Sarvangasana,
Headstand Yoga Pose
Yoga Headstand
Legs up the wall
Legs wide adductor stretch
Butterfly pose (bound angle)
Shoulderstand, feet against wall
Shoulder stand splits using wall
Plough pose
Shoulder stand, from wall
Hip stretch using a wall
Happy baby hip stretch using wall
Foot behind head using wall
Yoga Poses Using a Wall
Published: 2022 02 24
Neil Keleher
Hi, I'm Neil Keleher.
I have a degree in Systems Design engineering. Before that I served in the British army for five years. My main job was fixing guns.
I've been teaching yoga for about twenty two years now. I also do a lot of programming in python and node.js.
One of my other main projects is studying Chinese, but it's been hold while I developed tools to make studying easier. One of those is a Chinese character dictionary and the other is a Chinese word and phrase dictionary.
Both include a lookup system for Chinese characters that is foreigner friendly and that I'm proud to say that I designed.